Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Blogger vs DNS Management and The Asylum...
The police approached with caution as I sat half naked slumped in my chair. The red mist in my eyes started to clear and I became very aware I was now the only customer in the coffee shop.
In front of me lay my laptop, or what used to be my laptop. My knuckles hurt, my teeth hurt and the middle of my head throbbed.
The little English student from Alicante with the Bambi eyes and a cute lisp later testified that with foamed mouth I'd tried biting into my laptop and when it wouldn't yield I started rhythmically punching and head butting it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DAYDREAM MUSIC~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Blinking free of the ugly 'Falling Down' Michael Douglas type scenario playing in my head I took a sip of my camomile tea which mysteriously mouse rolled me ouija board fashion over Chuck Croll's The Real Blogger Status aka Blogging.Nitecruzr.net
All I'd wanted to do was connect my old blogger blog to my new site by making the former (www.fizzYcaL.com) a sub-domain of the later (www.blog.fizzYcaL.com).
Over the course of two weeks and many a sleepless night checking every hour on the hour if DNS management magic had occurred I'd successfully created blog.fizzYcaL.com which worked perfectly. It was to be a hollow victory - www.blog.fizzYcaL.com kept returning a 404 error!!! F*ck!!!
Chuck Croll the DNS management demystifier came to the rescue with three posts: the first addressed the instability of custom domains when using the wrong servers, the second looked at the DNS setup at the domain providers end (in my case easily.co.uk), and the last was naked domain redirecting which is kinda at Blogger's end.
To cut the elaborate intro to this story short if you use blogger and want to create a sub-domain go to settings in your blogger dashboard and add the full address with 'www.' to the blog address part of the publishing section. Once you press save you'll get some CNAME info unique to that address which you'll need to add to the DNS manager of your domain.
Below is a screenshot of my easily.co.uk DNS manager for fizzYcaL.com showing what you should enter in yellow (non-relevant stuff and unique info relating to my blog are blacked out). Note the last CNAME record has two blacked out spaces - this is where you put the information you got from the blogger dashboard referred to in the above paragraph:
For a more detailed explanation and understanding of DNS and other related domain issues without full commitment to an asylum please for the love of coffee shops and laptops do checkout Blogging.Nitecruzr.net.