Shake Up The Routine

Wednesday, 6 October 2010


Ginger also known as (cue a poncey know it all voice) Zingiber Officinale is the oldest spice known to man and has many health benefits. Here's a few:

Regulates and improves blood pressure by improving and positively stimulating blood circulation.

Speeds up your metabolism and aids weight loss by increasing the ph level of stomach acid which promotes effective digestion. Fatty foods are broken down and protein is filtered to the body more efficiently.

Reduces all types of inflammation especially that dreaded next day muscle soreness from a tough workout. It can also reduce the swelling of blood vessels which result in migraines and headaches.

Remedies cold and flu with its anti-viral properties. Getting you back on tip top form and raring for training.

Improves memory by being high in anti-oxidants which protect nerve cells in the brain. So helps you remember despite the slight discomfort or minor inconveinence why you exercise in the first place!

Tip - Ginger is a good alternative to your early morning caffeine pick me up. Slice and dice some ginger into small pieces, throw in a mug, pour in boiling hot water and add honey. When finished fish the ginger out with a teaspoon and munch!
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