The L-Pull Up (overhand grip) or the L-Chin Up (underhand grip) are great exercises which teach the body to function as a unit. The back, forearms, biceps, core and thighs are recruited to perform this beast.
The above pic shows Allison Bishop of CrossfitObsession and her pal Alicia Kostka cranking out perfect form L-Pull Ups.
The progression prescription is pretty straightforward but may take some weeks:
1. If you are still mastering the pull/chin up start off by holding the mid point of these exercises for a few seconds.
3. If you can perform a fair few negatives then in your subsequent sessions crank out pulls/chins but pay particular attention to controlling the decent and fighting gravity all the way down.
4. Now that you are more comfortable with the pulls/chins in your next few workouts you now need to progress to doing them as if you are sat in an imaginary chair. Legs should be bent with your thighs and the soles of your feet parallel to the floor. If this proves too difficult repeat steps 1-3 in this chair sitting position.
5. Now for the "L." Grab the bar and raise your legs so that they are parallel to the floor. Keep your core tight and away you go! If you can't get your legs perfectly straight incorporate more quad (thighs) and hamstring (backs of legs) stretches in your workouts.
If you master the L-Pull/Chin Up and fancy taking it up another notch try the one arm L-Sit for size: